Strangest Genius: The Stained Glass of Harry Clarke
Strangest Genius: The Stained Glass of Harry Clarke
Strangest Genius: The Stained Glass of Harry Clarke
Lucy Costigan; Michael Cullen
The History Press Ireland, 2010
318 pages / illustrations (colour) / 29cm
Harry Clarke (1889-1931) was undoubtedly Ireland's greatest stained glass artist. Internationally, his name is synonymous with quality craftsmanship and imaginative genius. The use of rich colours, the delicate depiction of beautiful elongated figures with their fine-carved features and deep expressive eyes, is magical to behold. During his short life Clarke created more than 160 stained glass windows, which can be found in churches, cathedrals, galleries, and private collections throughout the world.
Strangest Genius presents Clarke's brilliance and originality afresh to a twenty-first-century audience, documenting the entire stained glass collection of Harry Clarke.
ISBN: 978-1-845889715