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Kehinde Wiley's Stained Glass Art (Download Link)

Kehinde Wiley's Stained Glass Art (Download Link)

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Kehinde Wiley's Stained Glass Art.

Since the early 2000s, American portrait painter Kehinde Wiley (b.1977, Los Angeles) has made waves in the art world with his spectacular larger than life oil on canvas portraits of young African-American men adopting poses inspired by paintings by European Old Masters. Between 2014 and 2016 Wiley produced two series of stained glass portraits inspired by a number of historic ecclesiastical stained glass windows. One of these was recently acquired by The Stained Glass Museum.

In this talk museum Director and Curator Dr Jasmine Allen will explore Wiley's stained glass works, examining how they blur the boundaries between traditional and contemporary modes of representation, applying a familiar visual rhetoric of the heroic, powerful, majestic and sublime used in the historic portrait painting tradition to the representation of contemporary urban, black and brown men and women throughout the world. In doing so, it will be argued that Wiley’s series of contemporary black portraits in stained glass provide a rare and welcome intervention that challenges not only the white-male dominated canon of portraiture within the western art historical tradition, but also the canon of stained glass and religious art more widely.

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